Short: Strips YahooGroup adverts. V1.5 Author: (C)2000-04 Steve Bowman (Steve & Ulli Bowman ) Uploader: Steve Bowman (Steve & Ulli Bowman ) Version: 1.5 (29-May-2004) Type: comm/mail Replaces: comm/mail/eGroupsScanner.lha Replaces: comm/mail/eGroupsScan1_0.lha Replaces: comm/mail/YahooGpScan1_2.lha Requires: YAM 2+, AWNPipe: & ClassAct if you have OS3.1 or earlier. As anyone who is a subscriber to any YahooGroups' mailing lists (or "groups") would know, each message distributed by Yahoo comes with a few lines of advertising appended to each and every message. Although high capacity harddrives nowadays makes the problem of disk space lost to this advertising less of a concern, it is unsolicited advertising nevertheless, and it is so much nicer to be able to read people's messages in their original form without the constant sight of unsolicited advertising appended to their sig :^). This started out as a very basic script, but I just kept adding and adding to it. I have done extensive testing, and although it works fine on my setup it may not on yours. Please report any problems. FEATURES: · Tested with OS4. · OS4 Reaction (ClassAct) GUI with progress bar and info on number of messages scanned and adverts stripped. · Will locate the Incoming Folder regardless of its actual name or postion in the folder list or language (I hope...) YAM is running in. · Will only scan mails flagged as New in the Incoming Folder - because if you're anything like me you will usually have ~50 Read mails in your incoming folder waiting to be manually archived :^). · If no new mails are downloaded from the server, no scanning at all takes place. If there are new mails downloaded, only these new mails are scanned. · Intelligent scanning - if any new messages are not YahooGroup messages, they will be skipped. · After updating Incoming Folder index, returns you to your previous folder/state before script exits. For example, if you have selected a number of messages to be deleted in a folder and the script starts after a download, you will be restored to that folder with the messages reselected when the script terminates. Some people have queried my method of handling the Incoming folder externally of Yam instead of going through Yam's ARexx port. I tried and tested both methods and found that for most (but not all) cases, analyzing the Incoming folder was quite a lot slower than doing it directly via AmigaDOS commands. Note that there is a long-standing bug introduced into later versions of YAM necessiating updating the Incoming Folder index twice. When this bug is fixed, scanning will only need to be once. It is recommended to clean your Incoming Folder regularly ;^). INSTALLATION: To install, simply copy this script to YAM:Rexx. Now open YAM's Config panel and go to the ARexx section. Hilite the "After getting new mail" item and load "Rexx/YahooGroupsScanner.rexx" into the Script gadget. Double check the Pop-up selector is on ARexx and not AmigaDOS. Leave "Open console window unchecked, but (IMPORTANT) make sure "Wait for termination" is checked ON. Click on Save, and that's it. *Important* - The AWNPipe: device *must* be installed! Download the latest AWNPipe: from , in the Download section. If you do not have OS3.5+, you will need ClassAct. AFAIK the final ClassAct archive prior to OS3.5 can be found at but this is quite old compared to the more recent replacement found in OS3.5+, Reaction. HISTORY: V1.5 (29-May-2004) · Yahoo changed the advert separaters slightly V1.4 (17-Feb-2003) · YAM 2.4dev introduced a significant change to the way a message's status is represented. This update accomodates this change. V1.3 (07-Sep-2001) - not publicly released · Improved YAM config file parsing · Added more error messages V1.2 (28-Jul-2001) · Changed the banner seperation identifier code. V1.1 (30-Jan-2001) · Updated for use with YahooGroups after they took over eGroups Note: script name is now YahooGroupsScanner.rexx. · Window title shows when Incoming folder is being updated after the scanner has finished V1.0 (21-Oct-2000) · GUI now autocloses on completion of scan · Abort is now working · Locates .config file in user directory, not just YAM: · There was a report of the script failing when the To: contents were mixed upper and lower case. Fixed. · Corrected installation docs which indicated the wrong filename and confused a few people, sorry. · GUI is now not active when it opens V0.13ß (18-Sep-2000) · Original release THINGS TO DO (MAYBE): · Open GUI on Yam's own screen, currently opens on default screen. · Faster analysis of Incoming folder · Scanning of archived old mail. · Preferences for scanning other non-YahooGroups mail. Currently only messages from YahooGroups with their current seperater pattern is used. · German and other language translation (localization?) of program text and docs. · Strip HTML attachments. · Any requests??? THANKS Thanks to the following people in alphabetical order for help or suggestions. Apologies for anyone I've missed - please let me know if I have have. Matteo Cavalleri Javier de las Rivas Emilio Desalvo Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz Bill Parker Mark Reynolds Krister S. Skrtic Bruce Steers ...and to the many others who just wrote and thanked me. DISCLAIMER: · This script is to be used entirely at your own risk, and although I have performed extensive testing, I will not be held responsible for any loss of data as a result of its use. · This script is ©2000-03, and may only be distributed in its original unmodified form. If you disagree with any of the above, do not use the script!